A united, coherent, galaxy-spanning government encompassing all of humanity and countless aliens granted human status, Unity has come to be synonymous with “galactic civilization” to most humans. To the loyal, it stands as the beacon of all that is lawful, orderly, and uplifting. To the cynical, it is the embodiment of suffocating control and enforced conformity. To the extremist, it is deviation from mankind’s right to rule by fire. For most- it is simply a way to live, a necessary mechanization of bureaucracy that ensures the slow, grinding progress of mankind. Tasked with a broad charter of “Defending the interests of humanity at large and in detail”, Unity functions as government, military, and culture. To ensure social cohesion, active measures are taken to encourage approved cultural trends, allowing a degree of monoculture to exist across a thousand worlds. Backed by massive military force, whether you live within its Core Worlds, in uncontrolled Fringe space, or in an ali...